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measuring impact

igniting change



impact report


Modern Blue Dots

table of

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Introduction to Tanio

Breathing Space: Our Story So Far

Our Norwegian Church Exhibit

Our 2022 Evaluative Study


Facilitators Feedback

Study and Feedback Evaluation

The Future of Breathing Space


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Cute Colorful Zigzag
Modern Banana Stroke Group

Tanio is an organisation committed to providing access to a range of creative activities and interventions to different communities – both locally and internationally.


Community arts can help people connect with their local area and with other people in their community. By participating in or attending community arts activities, people can learn about the history and culture of their community, and make meaningful and lasting connections with their neighbours.


Community arts can help people express themselves and explore their creativity. By participating in artistic activities, people can find new ways to explore their interests and develop their own unique and individual voice.

our funders


Community arts can be a great way to reduce stress and improve mental health. Participating in artistic activities can be calming and therapeutic, and can help people to feel more connected and empowered.


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breathing space

our story so far

Speech Bubble Illustration

"We are continually striving to find the best possible opportunities for the clients on our caseloads – especially in areas that are person-centred to each individuals interests/needs. We have quite a few individuals that respond well to music, art and crafts and general social circle activities. [But] there’s not a lot of selection to choose from when it comes to groups and activities available in the Bridgend County Borough"

To address this need in the local community, end loneliness and improve mental wellbeing in the county, Tanio decided to deliver weekly drop-in sessions called Breathing Space. These combine participant-led creative activities with mindfulness, relaxation techniques, games and reflection time for improved health outcomes. These sessions are delivered in four venues across Bridgend: Bettws, Bridgend Centre, Porthcawl and Bryngarw Park.

Lisa Davies

Chief Executive

Speech Bubble Illustration

"We know that being involved in a creative activity can help with general mental health and wellbeing. Some people may not need to go see a doctor and may just need some extra support, attending Breathing Space can help with that. As well as helping to make friends and tackle isolation."

It became apparent to Tanio that there is a deficit of creative arts opportunities in Bridgend

that focus on wellbeing and mindfulness for those who may feel isolated in the community.

Zoe Allen-Thiedeman, Occupational Therapy Technician

(Bridgend South Community Mental Health Team)

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As Creative Wellbeing Developer for

Awen Cultural Trust, I had, like so many others,

first-hand experience of how difficult the recent lockdowns

were in regards to feeling isolated and what effect that can have on our wellbeing. It's also fair to say that so many experienced it much more severely across our communities for various reasons and importantly that this is by no means just relevant to the recent lockdowns as it was and still is a stark reality for many pre and post pandemic.

With this said Awen Cultural Trust want to be a force for good in tackling isolation and improving wellbeing, using culture to connect people, sustain communities and reducing barriers to participation. We also aim to develop positive relationships with stakeholders and partners and operate from a place that together we are stronger. We therefore very much count Tanio as one of our main allies and partners in achieving what was previously outlined. Breathing Space embodies all the above uniquely in a very practical and personable way.

Creative Wellbeing Developer for AWEN

Quotation marks

Andre Van Wyk

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AWEN Cultural Trust have supported Breathing Space by providing vital funding and venues across Bridgend.

Awen Cultural Trust was established in 2015 as a charitable organisation with objectives to enhance cultural opportunities in Bridgend and the wider region.

Their purpose is to Make People’s Lives Better by providing space and opportunity for people to enjoy vibrant cultural experiences that inspire and enhance their sense of wellbeing.

The trust consists of theatres, community centres and libraries that each play host to a diverse programme of events, to enrich the lives of the community.

The trust has partnered with Tanio for Breathing Space because they recognise the impact that the sessions will have on ending loneliness and improving mental wellbeing.

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Hanging Clouds Illustration

Since it's inception, Breathing Space has helped many people experiencing difficulties and mental health concerns in Bridgend. However, it has presented challenges that the team have had to resolve.

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"We still face some

participants becoming reliant on particular facilitators. To resolve this, we support the

facilitators to have clear boundaries with their group members and we encourage all communication to come via the Tanio team. We also bring in guest facilitators whenever possible, such as the basket weaving craft in the Summer. We also noticed that we needed an assistant to the facilitator in some groups as there were members with more complex needs. We created the Wellbeing Assistant role which means that there are two professionals in the space making it easier to manage the

dynamics of the room"

Lisa Davies

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Currently, Breathing Space has four facilitators, each delivering weekly workshops of creative arts. The arts vary and take inspiration from the seasons, natural surroundings and current events, such as making poppy wreaths for Remembrance Sunday or making Christmas cards.

In addition to AWEN Cultural Trust, who host and fund Breathing Space in the Awel Y Mor in Porthcawl and in the Education Centre in Bryngarw Park, Tanio have also partnered with Mental Health Matters Wales, on Quarella Road. Here participants can expect predominantly music workshops for those experiencing more complex mental health challenges and these sessions are supported by an in-house team member of MHMW.



White Chat Box

"My daughter-in-law has attended Bettws Breathing Space for a long time and then I asked if I could join in. I came the first time and was a bit unsure because I had no confidence in art but I'd say I'm confident in other ways! I really love coming, joining in and helping out. I chat to all the lovely people here, it's a lovely atmosphere"



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Modern Blue Dots
Speech Bubble Illustration

It was so fabulous to see all the work together in

one place and for participants to come together for the first time. The impact of seeing each other’s work was a powerful feeling of pride and self-worth. Seeing the participants grow in confidence over the weeks to be at a point where they could share work was incredible. This was at a time when things were just getting back after Covid and for many people it was the first thing they’d been to in 2 years! Everyone reported how positive the experience was. One of the participants said: It felt like the start of a new chapter - leaving behind the

isolation and fear of the pandemic’

There was an exhibition of art and craft – including wonderful wire sculptures, handmade baskets and over 30 painting and pictures. The group from Central Bridgend performed 3 songs written by the group and a few sing-along classics. Over 70 participants and friends and family came to the event.

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In April 2022, Tanio held the first Breathing Space celebration event in the Norwegian Church in Cardiff Bay. The Breathing Space groups from across Bridgend were joined by a Breathing Space Pontypridd group to share their work and get a chance to meet each other.

% of study sample learn new skills in Breathing Space


artists have been employed by Tanio to deliver sessions


"I've only lived in this borough for 10 years and hardly knew anyone before attending Breathing Space. Now there are lots of friendships and I feel included. Everyone here can be themselves, no matter how we feel because everyone is so supportive. We can cry if we want to, if everything's getting on top of us, we know we have support. I lost my fiancee two months ago, and with the groups support, I am getting perspective and growing in confidence again from being at rock bottom. Thank you. "



% of study sample rely on Breathing Space every week



our 2022

To assess the efficacy of Breathing Space in ending loneliness and improving wellbeing, the questionnaire focussed on ten impact measures that make up the four desired net outcomes. These are :

  • A development in learning
  • An attitude and behaviour change
  • A greater sense of self-efficacy
  • An enhanced curiousity or interest in a subject
  • Improved skills
  • Greater connectedness with others
  • An improved understanding of self and the broader world/universe
  • Improved confidence
  • An improvement in emotional wellbeing
  • Setting and achieving goals

The study consisted of a two-pronged evaluative process. The methodology and practice of the Breathing Space facilitators was observed and shared, and the impact that the sessions have had on participants was measured and collated in case studies.

To measure the impact that the sessions have had, the study distributed an impact survey consisting of personal meaning maps and a Likert Scale questionnaire to a sample of ten participants. The questionnaire focussed on 4 overall net outcomes of Breathing Space. These are :




Quality of



Throughout November and December, 2022, Tanio has undertaken a comprehensive study of Breathing Space, with the aim to measure the impact of the project on the participant's lives and their social, environmental and wellbeing outcomes.

Knowledge Gained

Using the

Likert Scale and a personal meaning map means that the study collated and analysed data that is both qualitative and quantitative. This has given a greater insight into what ideas, relationships, interests and personal experiences have been transformed by the intervention of Tanio

through Breathing Space.


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Goals/Values Realised


When I am in Breathing Space, I feel a change in my behaviour and attitude

I feel more interested in art or music because of Breathing Space

I don't feel more connected with people when I am in Breathing Space (reverse question registering disagreement)

Going to Breathing Space improves my understanding of how I am feeling

Because of Breathing Space, I feel like I am more able to do things

I have learned things in Breathing Space


: Agree & Strongly Agree

: Disagree & Strongly Disagree



Group sessions help me to see how others also face challenges in their wellbeing

Coming to Breathing Space has helped me to achieve personal goals

I don't feel more confident after Breathing Space sessions (reverse question registering disagreement)

I feel like my mood gets better when I am in Breathing Space

I look forward to attending Breathing Space

I have not improved my skills in Breathing Space (reverse question registering disagreement)

I need Breathing Space as a part of my weekly routine


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Chat box

"Breathing Space is like a reset button on my day.

I lost my partner and my mental health went into crisis.

The crisis team referred me to Mental Health Matters Wales and I

saw Breathing Space advertised there. I look forward to each session, I

pushed myself to try new things to help me enjoy getting out the house. I felt lonely, depressed, was having panic attacks and having to take tablets to leave the house. I now can leave the house on my own without taking medication. I laugh with people, I feel part of a community. I became WE. I hated music in school, I love the music session now and felt proud of myself enjoying and giving it a go. I left my house on my own for the sessions. This is the first time, normally I can't go out on my own.

This is a safe space for me to open up with how I am feeling.

I feel that I matter."

Being a part of something

My time for myself

I really look forward to the sessions

It really helps still my mind

It allows me "me" time

Allows me to

support others

Being around

new friends

Feel a sense of community

Helps me bond with

new friends

Participants were asked

to give insight into what being

involved with

Breathing Space means

to them.

Helps me learn how to play music in a group

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I feel happy when I go to the group and make new friends

I get to try new things

My mood lifts and improves during and after Breathing Space

Bridgend, mhmw


Helps me to feel more creative

Escape from my sadness

I've really enjoyed

the ice-breaker


Nice to meet people

Abstract design element

Only fun thoughts



facilitator feedback

By being more available in other areas so that people in similar communities also get the opportunity to participate. Extra funds for materials would be great as it’s sometimes difficult if people ask to do something and you know it’s just not possible within the budget.

By ensuring consistency and reliability and offering more group events. Different facilitators who all work towards a shared goal across all groups.

It can be a challenge to plan but it is good to respond to the participants. It is helpful being able to adapt rather than having structure. I feel that the sessions are person-centred and we talk about what they are finding challenging outside of BS more organically which makes it feel like more of a place of trust for them. This means that those who come to Breathing Space for escapism don't feel like the session is too probing. If they want to share, they can, if they don't want to, then there's no pressure.

By better advertising to increase footfall. Finding ways to connect more with AWEN to increase advertising opportunities and connect with the events that they also host in the park. Make more of a relationship with the venue as I've not felt completely supported here on my own. I would also like more notice on things that are happening as sometimes there isn't enough lead time on changes or events, or anything that is unexpected. I feel sometimes that there isn't a prioritisation of the participant's access needs and their vulnerabilities, so would appreciate more understanding of this in decision-making processes. It would be great also if we could feel more of a part of the Breathing Space community, it would be nice to feel part of something bigger.

Do you feel that having freedom in how you deliver your art sessions is useful?

I’m convinced of the benefits of the Breathing Space model and believe it would be advantageous in many ways if hosting weekly sessions could be extended into other communities, geographically +/or online. Confidence building, healing, social engagement, personal growth, awareness and Mindfulness – all these qualities and more are the ways in which participants may benefit.

With regard to progression for existing groups, the character of each Breathing Space group will differ and as a result, ideas for development may vary in suitability. Regarding the Porthcawl group, it currently seems in a place of flux with a possible shift in ability of its participants. A little more time will help the group establish itself, for us as facilitators to understand who our regulars are and what could best benefit the Porthcawl group.

Chat box

Yes, it helps experiment and tailor-make the sessions. I prefer an open brief rather than a closed brief.

Yes, for me being able to discuss with the group what they would like to create and also what is possible within the budget and materials we already have is beneficial.

I find it very helpful and I think it also holds the key to keeping sessions fresh and in keeping with the needs of the group. Rather than expecting the group to adapt to Breathing Space, we can adapt to them – the chapter we’re in regarding current participants and the prevailing energy from one session to another. Having freedom as we move through the year is beneficial as it means that we can develop aspects of creativity that the group finds inspirational and in turn, introduce/revisit ideas when it’s time to move on. If the structure had been pre-planned, this flexibility would not be possible.

Chat box

How do you feel that Breathing Space can progress?

Modern Dots Group


Modern Blue Dots

That there has been a real positive impact post-covid - and the sessions act as stepping stones to future pathways. There is a knock-on effect with MHMW that their decisions are final on who can participate, which I feel is sometimes disempowering. This is due to the nature of the third party organisation who work with those with higher mental health needs.

I really appreciate that sessions are allowed to continue even if numbers are low. This consistency is a big advantage of funded sessions. The office-based team is invaluable in laying the groundwork for Breathing Space and providing ongoing support for all. I’m glad that provision is made to fund both the Wellbeing Assistant and myself at Porthcawl – I feel we each bring our strengths to the sessions and together we offer a more complete package.

To be welcoming and inclusive

To nurture an atmosphere that is caring, respectful, relaxing, inspiring, focused and enjoyable.

To hold space, support emotionally and maybe lift the mood of participants.

To engage socially, creatively and cognitively.

To offer a creative activity that may help participants process thoughts and feelings.

To work with a culture of enablement, allowing participants to gain confidence and a sense of achievement.

That it benefits people in many ways, it helps them relax, unwind and be in the moment when they are concentrating on the craft they are doing - which I believe is something that people rarely do with our increasingly hectic lifestyles. They can socialise or not depending on how they are feeling on the day. All this contributes to their mental wellbeing.

Chat box

What are your aims in the sessions?

Breathing Space has given us so many special moments together and friendships, and provides respite not only for those with degenerative mental illness but it also gives their caregivers a few hours to themselves each week also.

I aim to make people feel a part of something like a community and create a sense of belonging and fun to develop group cohesion. I aim to provide a space for all to be seen and heard.

For the participants to have time out for themselves in a friendly and supportive environment, somewhere they feel safe and can be creative, a space which will help them build confidence in their abilities - not just their ability to create artwork - but making decisions without needing anyone else’s opinions, that it’s ok to make mistakes - because you learn from them - and last but not least a place where they can have fun and make friendships that hopefully will also flourish outside of the workshops.

To let participants know that it is about the journey, not the destination. I like to be sure that everyone feels a sense of ownership, pride and fulfilment over what we create.

Chat box

What have you noticed about Breathing Space?

Modern Stroke Dots Group


Modern Banana Stroke Group

I would like to go to each others groups and

observe and learn practice.

When the work works, it works quickly. Originally was just 18-30s in the MHMW session, but due to limited connection with youth agencies, there were low numbers. So we moved to include all ages which meant that more participants attended. Shows that there's a real need with the older demographic in Bridgend county.

We all have something to offer – skills, patience, easy chatter, good creative advice, ability to draw the quieter ones out of their shell… Perhaps we’d benefit from an annual get together with tea, biscuits, sharing ideas/experience/practice and general team bonding.

I think a there's broad set of skills that can be shared, such as different mindfulness approaches.

How would you describe being an arts facilitator for Breathing Space?

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Chat box

What have you noticed about the participants?

I really enjoy the freedom of the creativity brief - its my favourite thing about being an arts facilitator.

I believe we can learn other ways of facilitating a workshop, depending on what your skills are you may use different methods and practices. We are always learning - if you are open minded - you can learn not just from other art facilitators but from the participants themselves, friends, family and children.

As touched on earlier, since the new Wellbeing Assistant and I have taken over the Porthcawl group, we’ve seen the previous regulars dwindle in number and the arrival of newcomers. It’s tricky to know if it’s due to less consistency after taking a break in August then having new facilitators, perhaps the uncertainty of moving to the Pavilion too with the lack of heating at AYM. Now that things have settled down, it could be good to contact everyone and reassure them we’re still at AYM and it would be lovely to see them again.

Rewarding with occasional opportunities for development, however, there’s one aspect that is yet to be addressed – our pay. With the cost of living crisis, it is becoming more and more out of kilter to remain on the same day rate and not have our travel expenses covered.

That the participants are always so much more creative than they expect! This means that they get so much more out of the sessions than what they assumed they would.

That they benefit in more

ways than I even notice.

Rewarding, Intense, fun, heartbreaking, insightful, occasionally crazy but always a pleasure!!

Chat box

What do you feel the art facilitators could learn from each other?

Modern Dot Outline Group


Modern Dot Line Group
Modern Dot Line Group
Modern Dot Line Group

I like to use Forum theatre and take Boal as inspiration as it increases confidence. I use games targeted to those in the room and consider them the most valuable part of the session. Once they have stepped into the circle through games then everyone is all in and ready to try something new. It's important to be authentic - being genuine and who I am - being in the room and present. I accept people for how and who they are and then that gives them the space to be who they want to be.

Flexible, gentle and encouraging. I aim to be responsive to the needs of participants and offer guided meditations, image making and creative writing. Sessions can be helpful for grounding or lifting – it’s my job to interpret the mood and guide accordingly.

What do you think the impact is

for the participants?

Chat box

I like to use a step-by-step method to inspire the participants when crafting. I focus on creativity rather than artistry. I like to be responsive to the seasons and engage with the wider park and nature. I like to use a Forest School approach but catered for adults.

To be aware as best as I possibly can be of the participants abilities, needs, feelings, to try to bring a variety of different art forms to the table and not to pressure anyone to do anything they don’t want to. I feel it’s important that they own the work they create and I try to support them in the creating of it rather than me doing it, therefore, hopefully giving them a sense of achievement. Even though I would always say it doesn’t matter what the piece they are working on turns out like it’s just about the enjoyment of the doing/making, I always strive to choose crafts that everyone is able to do and they are proud of.

I know that they look forward to it and when it comes around each week - it acts as a kind of anchor for the week - and shows how valuable consistency is.

I hope they feel safe and comfortable in expressing themselves in a variety of ways. I hope they feel drawn to attend our sessions regardless of whether they’re having a good or bad day, knowing that their company will be welcomed, regardless. I hope they feel better for having joined us.

That its time-out from the grind of life. The session sits at the end of the week and so it flows nicely into the weekend for the participants and helps them to decompress from their week.

It’s a difficult thing to quantify, but I know that they will come along rain or shine, if they feel well or not and always complain if its not going to be running for a week or two. I know that they support each other not only at the sessions but when they leave and are at home etc For some I think it’s a lifeline which enables them to socialise otherwise they may not get the opportunity to do so.

Chat box

How would you describe your methodology/approach to Breathing Space workshops?

Modern Blue Dots




The sample

voted favourably

with the statements that determine the impact measures which make up the net outcomes.

There is a correlation between the current format and the approach of facilitators of Breathing Space and the strongly positive results returned in the survey of the ten impact measures and insights from the personal meaning map.


from facilitators

expressed the call for

more Wellbeing Assistants, more advertising & events with shared artistic goals

The sense of community

that the facilitators foster in the sessions

is one of Tanio's main motivations of Breathing Space. It is proven successful as the participants comment on connection and a sense of belonging frequently in the personal

meaning map

The methodologies of the facilitators are

effective in achieving the desired net outcomes; the improvement of self-efficacy through using a person-centred approach; the achieving of personal goals through building confidence and learning new skills; and social nourishment and connection to improve quality of life and fulfil needs.

Looking to

the data, it is clear that the study sample

have positive regard for Breathing Space. It is apparent

that due to Tanio's intervention in Bridgend, people who

experience loneliness and/or mental health challenges are given the opportunity to engage with an arts programme that offer new relationships, a community, a safe place to learn new skills and share

how they feel and a place to find support and

offer support to others.


breathing space

looking to the future

Breathing Space clearly plays a very important part in the lives of those experience loneliness and/or mental health challenges. With further funding, the project can continue to effectively end loneliness and improve mental wellbeing in the Bridgend County.

Hanging Clouds Illustration

So what does the future hold for Breathing Space and the people who make up its community?

Looking to the results of the study and the feedback from the facilitators, it can be concluded that there are plenty of ways that people benefit from the service. There are also opportunities for development as outlined below :

Most importantly: the addition of Wellbeing Assistants in the Bettws and Bryngarw Park venues. Not only does this mitigate lone-working practice in Bryngarw Park, it also ensures that facilitators are supported so that they can work more effectively with all participants.

Extend bridges out into the county to partner with more organisations and involve Breathing Space in other collaborations.

More events that connect the various groups, which are held in the county to further advertise the project to prospective participants, project partners, funders, local authorities and organisations.

This will give participants with access needs more opportunity to engage with the wider Breathing Space community, raise awareness of the project and Tanio, and celebrate the successes of the participants with family and friends.

A targeted marketing strategy in the County with venues such as local libraries, coffee shops and retailers as well as more input from AWEN Cultural Trust to bolster footfall.

Training for facilitators and Wellbeing Assistants in Emergency Mental Health First Aid, if they do not currently hold the qualification.

Modern Blue Dots


Abstract watercolor brushstroke element

for your continued support of

Breathing Space


we thank you

Thank you to everyone who has given their time and feedback during the process of the evaluative study and in the production of this impact report.

Thanks are extended to contributors to the report, Zoe Allen-Thiedeman, Occupational Therapy Technician (Bridgend South Community Mental Health Team) and trusted partners, AWEN Cultural Trust and Mental Health Matters Wales.

Especially thankful to Kathy, Samantha and Lauren for their openness and generosity in providing their experiences as testimonies. The strength and resilience shown by all participants of the Breathing Space programme is

humbling and inspiring.

Commissioner - Lisa Davies

Chief Executive

Project Manager - Tom Stupple

Programme Manager: Arts & Health & Special Projects

Researcher and Report Producer

Sarah Milligan

Portrait Photography - Chris Lloyd


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